
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
Series Editor

David L. Brunsma
[email protected]

David G. Embrick
[email protected]


To inquire about publishing
in the series, please contact:

Mick Gusinde-Duffy
Executive Editor
University of Georgia Press
[email protected]



Margaret Abraham
Hofstra University

Elijah Anderson
Yale University

Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
Duke University

Philomena Essed
Antioch University

James Fenelon
California State University, Santa Barbara

Tanya Golash-Boza
University of California, Merced

David Theo Goldberg
University of California, Irvine

Patricia Hill Collins
University of Maryland

Jose Itzigsohn
Brown University

Amanda Lewis
University of Illinois at Chicago

Michael Omi
University of California, Berkeley

Victor Rios
University of California, Santa Barbara

Mary Romero
Arizona State University

Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

This series provides a venue for international, pioneering scholarship that moves our understanding of race, racism, ethnicity, and ethnic oppression forward. The series features books that engage in contemporary social issues in a meaningful way, advocating intervention and action in social justice and social transformation.

While theoretically and empirically grounded in sociology, books in this series intersect a wide array of social sciences (geography, history, political science, anthropology, philosophy). Aimed at both academics and practitioners through thought-provoking and teachable manuscripts, we are particularly interested in “engaged scholarship.” We also encourage theoretical perspectives (and methods and methodologies) that have historically been marginalized but that are intellectually engaged, rigorous, and critical. Such perspectives include, but are not limited to, Du Boisian analysis, critical race theory, Afrocentrist/-futurist, and Latinx critical theory, as well as critical raced-gendered and other intersectional epistemologies.

We seek book proposals that accomplish the dual goals of speaking to the public square and pushing the intellectual conversation forward.