
Series Editor


Ethan Thompson
Professor of Communication and Media
Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi
[email protected]

Jeffrey P. Jones
Director, George Foster Peabody Awards
Lambdin Kay Chair and Professor of Entertainment and Media Studies
University of Georgia
[email protected]


To inquire about publishing
in the series, please contact:
Mick Gusinde-Duffy
Executive Editor
University of Georgia Press
[email protected]

Peabody Series in Media History

The Peabody Series in Media History is a collaboration between the University of Georgia Press and the Peabody Awards Collection. The book series editors, Ethan Thompson and Jeffrey P. Jones, will leverage the archive’s status as a prominent and distinctive reservoir of local and network media culture to showcase scholarship that draws directly from the archive and looks beyond it as well. Though historical in focus, this series will also reaffirm the centrality of history in the study of contemporary media and popular culture. By showcasing new works of media history scholarship, the series will extend the historic mission of the Peabody Awards to recognize stories that matter, and the mission of the Peabody Archive to preserve those stories.

The Peabody Awards Collection, based at the University of Georgia, houses over seventy thousand programs submitted to the Peabody Awards program since its inception in 1941. As such, the archive is a distinctive repository of cultural memory, much of it existing outside the canon that typically dominates our understanding of not only who and what we are as a nation but also how media studies itself accounts for American cultural history.