
Gender and Slavery
Series Editor

Daina Ramey Berry
Michael Douglas Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts
College of Letters & Science
University of California, Santa Barbara


Jennifer L. Morgan
Department of History
Department of Social and Cultural Analysis
New York University
[email protected]


To inquire about publishing
in the series, please contact:

Nathaniel Holly
University of Georgia Press
[email protected]



Edward E. Baptist
Cornell University

Kristen Block
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Sherwin Bryant
Northwestern University

Camillia Cowling
University of Warwick

Marisa J. Fuentes
Rutgers University

Aisha Finch
Emory University

Leslie M. Harris
Northwestern University

Tera Hunter
Princeton University

Wilma King
University of Missouri

Barbara Krauthamer
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Tiya Miles
Harvard University

Rachel Sarah O’Toole
University of California, Irvine

Diana Paton
University of Edinburgh

Melanie Newton
University of Toronto

Adam Rothman
Georgetown University

Brenda E. Stevenson
University of California, Los Angeles

Gender and Slavery

Groundbreaking in its scope, the Gender and Slavery series explores the gendered experience of enslavement in the New World, covering both the Americas and the West Indies. The series editors seek new scholarship on slavery from diverse fields including but not limited to women’s and gender studies, manhood and masculinity studies, African American and Atlantic World history, American studies, and literature, with close attention paid to analytic themes that engage larger fields: labor, expressive culture, intimate relations, resistance, reproduction, and production.


Extending beyond binaries of house/field or urban/rural, this transnational series encompasses the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries and focuses primarily on the English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch-speaking diaspora. We encourage submissions that draw on comparative aspects of this history, as well as micro- and macro-studies of gender and slavery.