Carolina Planters on the Alabama Frontier
The Spencer-Robeson-McKenzie Family Papers
Title Details
Pages: 512
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Pub Date: 06/01/2011
ISBN: 9-781-6030-6138-4
List Price: $50.00
NewSouth BooksCarolina Planters on the Alabama Frontier
The Spencer-Robeson-McKenzie Family Papers
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Carolina Planters on the Alabama Frontier: The Spencer-Robeson-McKenzie Family collects the papers of Elihu Spencer, a fourth-generation New Englander, and his family and Southern descendants, to form a history of the American nation from the point of view of planters and those they held in slavery.
The documents in this volume are accounts of a privileged world that was afflicted by constant loss and despair. The families lived as isolated, landed gentry in a society where medical treatment had hardly evolved since the Middle Ages. The papers together form a dramatic narrative of early Americans from the mid-eighteenth century to the harsh years after the Civil War. They created their new society with courage and imagination and tenacity, while never recognizing their own moral blind spot regarding the holding of human beings in slavery. It brought about the collapse of their world—poignantly expressed in these letters.
—Frazine Taylor, author of Researching African American Genealogy in Alabama
—John Sledge, Mobile Register
—Jeff Jakeman, The Alabama Review
—Brent Holcomb, South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research
—Julia Oliver, Montgomery Advertiser, The Literary Scene
—Edwin C. Bridges, director, Alabama Department of Archives and History
—Robert S. Gamble, historian, Alabama Historical Commission