Contextualizing Security
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Contextualizing Security

A Reader

Title Details

Pages: 306

Illustrations: 1 b&w image

Trim size: 6.000in x 9.000in



Pub Date: 08/01/2022

ISBN: 9-780-8203-6187-1

List Price: $120.95


Pub Date: 08/01/2022

ISBN: 9-780-8203-6188-8

List Price: $41.95


Pub Date: 08/01/2022

ISBN: 9-780-8203-6186-4

List Price: $41.95


Pub Date: 08/01/2022

ISBN: 9-780-8203-6812-2

List Price: $41.95

Contextualizing Security

A Reader

An introductory reader for students of international security studies

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  • Description
  • Reviews
  • Contributors

Security studies, also known as international security studies, is an academic subfield within the wider discipline of international relations that examines organized violence, military conflict, and national security. Meant to serve as an introduction to the field of security studies, Contextualizing Security is a collection of original essays, primary source lectures, and previously published material in the overlapping fields of security studies, political science, sociology, journalism, and philosophy. It offers both graduate and undergraduate students a grasp on both foundational issues and more contemporary debates in security studies.

Nineteen chapters cover security studies in the context of homeland security and liberty, U.S. foreign policy, lessons from the Cold War, science and technology policy, drones, cybersecurity, the War on Terror, migration, study-abroad programs, the surveillance state, Africa, and China.

CONTRIBUTORS: Amelia Ayers, James E. Baker, Roy D. Blunt, Mark Boulton, Naji Bsisu, Robert E. Burnett, Daniel Egbe, Laila Farooq, Lisa Fein, Anna Holyan, Jeh C. Johnson, Richard Ledgett, David L. McDermott, James McRae, Amanda Murdie, Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Scahill, Kristan Stoddart, Jeremy Brooke Straughn, J. R. Swanegan, and Kali Wright-Smith

Our homeland is no longer a secure sanctuary protected by the oceans. This book provides incredible insights into the security challenges we face at home and abroad today and far into the future. Students of security studies will gain tremendous insights into global threats and challenges. These threats, if not taken seriously, will challenge our survival as a nation.

—General (retired) Frank J. Grass, 27th Chief, National Guard Bureau, member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Contextualizing Security is an innovative study with great relevance to ongoing policy debates. The editors have assembled an all-star team of scholars and practitioners to explore security in a way that readers will find accessible, comprehensive, and thought provoking. The book includes a range of topics—standards within the study of national security but also more recently compelling issues like climate change and cyberattacks. It is essential reading for academics and the general public alike.

—Patrick James, Dana and David Dornsife Dean’s Professor of International Relations, University of Southern California

This unique volume, bridging partisan and disciplinary divides, brings together a remarkable array of policymakers and professors to address the vital but elusive concept of security. It is a singular resource that will enhance the bookshelves of students, scholars, and concerned citizens.

—William Inboden, executive director and William Powers, Jr. Chair, Clements Center for National Security at the University of Texas at Austin

Contextualizing Security is an important offering on rising global security and military threats. The leaders and experts assembled for this book analyze broad security currents with an emphasis on Diplomatic, Informational, Military, and Economic (DIME) domains. The book enhances our understanding of key issues with China, Russia, and other complex transnational contexts.

—Major General Byron S. Bagby, USA (ret.)

James McRae

Mark Boulton

James E. Baker

Robert E. Burnett

Anna Holyan

Kristan Stoddart

Jeremy B. Straughn

Lisa C. Fein

Amelia Ayers

Kali Wright-Smith

Naji Bsisu

Laila Farooq

Amanda Murdie

Daniel Egbe

J. R. Swanegan

David L. McDermott

About the Author/Editor

Tobias T. Gibson (Editor)
TOBIAS T. GIBSON is the Dr. John Langton Professor of Legal Studies and Political Science and the program director of Security Studies at Westminster College. He is the author of several articles and book chapters, including “Use of Drones in Targeted Killings: The Case of Al-Awlaki” in Case Studies in Homeland Security and the Harry S. Truman chapter in Chronology of the U.S. Presidency. Gibson is also a frequent contributor to The Hill.

Kurt W. Jefferson (Editor)
KURT W. JEFFERSON is the dean of graduate education and a professor in the doctoral program in leadership at Spalding University. He is the author of Celtic Politics: Politics in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales and Christianity’s Impact on World Politics: Not by Might, nor by Power. His writing has also appeared in Vanguardia Dossier and the Christian Science Monitor.