Corps Values
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Corps Values

Everything You Need to Know I Learned in the Marines

Zell Miller

Epilogue by Bryan Miller

Preface by Shirley Miller

Foreword by Sam Nunn

Title Details

Pages: 124

Trim size: 5.500in x 7.500in



Pub Date: 09/15/2020

ISBN: 9-780-8203-5959-5

List Price: $20.95


Pub Date: 09/15/2020

ISBN: 9-780-8203-5958-8

List Price: $20.95

Corps Values

Everything You Need to Know I Learned in the Marines

Zell Miller

Epilogue by Bryan Miller

Preface by Shirley Miller

Foreword by Sam Nunn

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  • Description
  • Reviews

Zell Miller was one of the United States’ most respected leaders. His integrity, passion, and commitment to excellence earned the praise of colleagues on both sides of the aisle. Miller often attributed his successes to the value of his formative experience in the Marine Corps as a young man. In his writing and stump speeches, he stated, “In the twelve weeks of hell and transformation that were Marine Corps boot camp, I learned the values of achieving a successful life that have guided and sustained me on the course which, although sometimes checkered and detoured, I have followed ever since.”

In Corps Values Miller recounts his life and the simple but powerful lessons he learned in the U.S. Marines: the core values he feels we must embrace if we are to be successful as individuals and as a nation. Only by incorporating such time-honored Marine qualities as pride, discipline, courage, and respect into our personal and professional lives can we meet the challenges that lie ahead. With Corps Values Miller urges us all to go back to “basic training” to reinforce the values that ultimately lead to success in any endeavor.

When it comes to politics and politicians, we don’t agree on much, but one thing we do agree on is that Gov. Zell Miller is a helluva man and he has written a helluva book!

—James Carville and Mary Matalin

The inspirational heart of Corps Values is Zell’s passionate belief that good governance and progress for our citizens are dependent on the acceptance of common and enduring rules of both self-respect and respect for others.

—Senator Sam Nunn

About the Author/Editor

Zell Miller (1932–2018) was the seventy-ninth governor of Georgia (1991–1999) and a United States senator (2000–2005). He was also the author of several books, including Mountains within Me, Great Georgians, and A Deficit of Decency.