The Human Animal Earthling Identity
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The Human Animal Earthling Identity

Shared Values Unifying Human Rights, Animal Rights, and Environmental Movements

Title Details

Pages: 288

Illustrations: 14 b&w photos

Trim size: 6.000in x 9.000in



Pub Date: 12/01/2020

ISBN: 9-780-8203-5819-2

List Price: $34.95


Pub Date: 12/01/2020

ISBN: 9-780-8203-5820-8

List Price: $120.95


Pub Date: 12/01/2020

ISBN: 9-780-8203-5821-5

List Price: $120.95


Pub Date: 12/01/2020

ISBN: 9-780-8203-7271-6

List Price: $120.95

The Human Animal Earthling Identity

Shared Values Unifying Human Rights, Animal Rights, and Environmental Movements

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With The Human Animal Earthling Identity Carrie P. Freeman asks us to reconsider the devastating division we have created between the human and animal conditions, leading to mass exploitation, injustice, and extinction. As a remedy, Freeman believes social movements should collectively foster a cultural shift in human identity away from an egoistic anthropocentrism (human-centered outlook) and toward a universal altruism (species-centered ethic), so people may begin to see themselves more broadly as “human animal earthlings.”

To formulate the basis for this identity shift, Freeman examines overlapping values (supporting life, fairness, responsibility, and unity) that are common in global rights declarations and in the current campaign messages of sixteen global social movement organizations that work on human/civil rights, nonhuman animal protection, and/or environmental issues, such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, CARE, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the World Wildlife Fund, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, the Nature Conservancy, the Rainforest Action Network, and Greenpeace. She also interviews the leaders of these advocacy groups to gain their insights on how human and nonhuman protection causes can become allies by engaging common opponents and activating shared values and goals on issues such as the climate crisis, enslavement, extinction, pollution, inequality, destructive farming and fishing, and threats to democracy.

Freeman’s analysis of activist discourse considers ethical ideologies on behalf of social justice, animal rights, and environmentalism, using animal rights’ respect for sentient individuals as a bridge connecting human rights to a more holistic valuing of species and ecological systems. Ultimately, Freeman uses her findings to recommend a set of universal values around which all social movements’ campaign messages can collectively cultivate respectful relations between “human animal earthlings,” fellow sentient beings, and the natural world we share.

For too long, the human rights, animal protection, and environmentalist movements have been like ships passing in the night. In this rich exploration of value systems, Carrie Freeman guides us towards forging a coalition among these three pillars of social justice. It’s a timely and much-needed book.

—Jonathan Balcombe, author of What a Fish Knows

Author Carrie Freeman takes us on a thoughtful journey through the world of humans, other animals, and the environment and achieves the difficult task of assimilating these different levels of analysis in a fascinating and knowledgeable manner. Freeman asks the ultimate question: Who are we as a species and how can we live on this planet? Freeman explores this question through different lenses. If you want to read a book that is interesting and also challenges you to rethink your assumptions about your place in nature, this is the one for you.

—Lori Marino, founder of the Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy and cofounder of the Whale Sanctuary Project.

Never has the time been more urgent than now for the voice of social justice for all beings to be spoken. In this timely, ground-breaking book Carrie Freeman unites the interests and needs of all beings in a unified vision in an accessible, interesting, and creative way that should be required reading not only for students and scholars but for those wishing to embrace the world in an informed and compassionate way.

—Debra Merskin, author of Seeing Species; Sexing the Media; and Media, Minorities, & Meaning

In this data-packed landmark book that includes a detailed study of sixteen international social movements, Carrie Freeman offers valuable lessons for a much needed paradigm shift in which social justice is offered to beings of all species. The Human Animal Earthling's slogan is 'Share our home planet. Support life. Take care. Play fair.' What a wonderful mantra for welcoming in 2021! The world will be a much better place for all of its residents when we follow Freeman’s detailed recommendations for applying values such as humility, fairness, respect, and empathy toward humans and nonhumans to work together for the common good.

—Marc Bekoff, author of Canine Confidential: Why Dogs Do What They Do


Book Most Likely to Save the Planet, Independent Publisher Book Awards


Best Book on the Environment, National Indie Excellence Awards

About the Author/Editor

CARRIE P. FREEMAN is a professor of communication at Georgia State University and the author of Framing Farming: Communication Strategies for Animal Rights.