Precarious Worlds
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Precarious Worlds

Contested Geographies of Social Reproduction

Title Details

Pages: 216

Trim size: 6.000in x 9.000in



Pub Date: 11/15/2015

ISBN: 9-780-8203-4882-7

List Price: $25.95


Pub Date: 11/15/2015

ISBN: 9-780-8203-4881-0

List Price: $120.95


Pub Date: 11/15/2015

ISBN: 9-780-8203-4880-3

List Price: $69.95

Precarious Worlds

Contested Geographies of Social Reproduction

A rigorous, gendered perspective on how inequality is perpetuated

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  • Description
  • Reviews
  • Contributors

This collection contributes to the theoretical literature on social reproduction—defined by Marx as the necessary labor to arrive the next day at the factory gate—and extended by feminist geographers and others into complex understandings of the relationship between paid labor and the unpaid work of daily life. The volume explores new terrain in social reproduction with a focus on the challenges posed by evolving theories of embodiment and identity, nonhuman materialities, and diverse economies.

Reflecting and expanding on ongoing debates within feminist geography, with additional cross-disciplinary contributions from sociologists and political scientists, Precarious Worlds explores the productive possibilities of social reproduction as an ontology, a theoretical lens, and an analytical framework for what Geraldine Pratt has called “a vigorous, materialist transnational feminism.”

As sequels go, Precarious Worlds is entirely worth reading, because it stands alone as a significant contribution to understanding the perplexing array of ways that we take care of each other under the precarious economic conditions exacerbated by the Great Recession. More than just reinforcing the arguments of Life’s Work, it introduces new concepts and problems that extend the field considerably.

—Austin Kocher, Historical Geography

Kate Bezanson

Jessie Clark

Andrew Gorman-Murray

Oona Morrow

Kelly Dombroski

Susan Braedley

Meg Luxton

Jamie Winders

Brenda Parker

Katharyne Mitchell

Cindi Katz

Rosalind Fredericks

Brian Marks

Sallie Marston

Barbara Smith

About the Author/Editor

Katie Meehan (Editor)
KATIE MEEHAN is assistant professor of geography at the University of Oregon.

Kendra Strauss (Editor)
KENDRA STRAUSS is an assistant professor in the Labour Studies Program at Simon Fraser University and an associate member of the Department of Geography.