Colonial Georgia
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Colonial Georgia

A Study in British Imperial Policy In the Eighteenth Century

Colonial Georgia

A Study in British Imperial Policy In the Eighteenth Century

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  • Description
First published in 1963, this study examines the colony of Georgia's first thirty-five years from the perspective of the British Empire. Being the last of the thirteen colonies, Georgia is well suited for a study on imperial administration because Britain had over a century of experience dealing with the other colonies at the time of its founding. This work explores British motives behind the founding of Georgia, Indian relations from the context of European wars, diplomacy, politics, and economic development. Trevor R. Reese presents the early history and settlement of Georgia as a clear example of the objects, methods, and failings of the old colonial system of the British Empire.

About the Author/Editor

TREVOR R. REESE taught at Newcastle University College, the University of Sydney, the University of Hull, and the University of London. He served as editor of the journal Imperial Studies and is the author of numerous works including The History of the Royal Commonwealth Society, 1868–1968 and Australia, New Zealand, and the United States: A Survey of International Relations, 1941–1968.