Weeds of the Midwestern United States and Central Canada
Title Details
Pages: 440
Illustrations: 1423 color photos
Trim size: 7.500in x 10.000in
Pub Date: 07/01/2010
ISBN: 9-780-8203-3506-3
List Price: $48.95
Subsidies and Partnerships
Published in association with North Central Weed Science Society
Published with the generous support of Wormsloe Foundation Nature Books
Related Subjects
Weeds of the Midwestern United States and Central Canada
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Weeds threaten the safe, efficient, and sustainable production of food, feed, fiber, and biofuel throughout the world. Featuring more than fourteen hundred full-color photographs, this handy guide provides essential information on more than 350 of the most troublesome weedy and invasive plants found in the midwestern United States and central Canada.
Drawing on the expertise of more than forty weed scientists and botanists, the guide identifies each plant at various stages of its life and offers useful details about its origin, habitat, morphology, biology, distribution, and toxic properties. The book also includes illustrations of the most common characteristics of plants and terms used to describe them, a key to plant families included in the book, a glossary of frequently used terms, a bibliography, and indexes of scientific and common plant names.
This is an essential guide for agronomists, crop and soil scientists, horticulturists, botanists, Cooperative Extension Service agents, farmers, gardeners, students in agriculture and biology, lawn care professionals, green industry professionals, nursery owners, government quarantine workers, and land preservationists.
Each species account includes:
Up to four full-color photographs showing seed, seedling, plant, flower, and other unique plant features Distribution map For grasses, a line drawing of the collar, where the leaf joins the stem, an important identifying characteristic Scientific names, common names, and local synonyms of common names Vegetative characteristics for seedlings and leaves Special identifying characteristics Reproductive characteristics Toxic properties
States and provinces covered:
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas (northeastern) Kentucky (northern) Manitoba (southern half) Michigan Minnesota Missouri (upper half) Nebraska (eastern) North Dakota Ohio Ontario (southern half) Quebec (southwestern corner) Saskatchewan (southeastern) South Dakota (eastern half) Wisconsin
Overall, Weeds of the Midwestern United States & Central Canada is an excellent publication. It will be a valuable guide for plant identification to producers, homeowners, and weed professionals.
—Prairie Naturalist
Shawn D. Askew
Roger L. Becker
Mitchell Blair
John Boyd
David Bridges
Charles T. Bryson
John Cardina
James Chandler
Terry R. Clason
Michael S. DeFelice
C. Elmore
Arlyn Evans
Robert Hayes
David Hall
Loyd Wax
Scott A. Fitterer
Jennifer Goodlett
Jonathan Green
Neil Hackett
Don Murray
Patricia Haragan
Steven A. Harrison
David Johnson
J. Keeling
Mary Ketchersid
Victor L. Maddox
C. Monks
Timothy R. Murphy
L. Oliver
John A. Pawlak
E.J. Retzinger
Brett Serviss
Walter A. Skroch
B. Smith
Lynn. Sosnoskie
J. Stritzke
William K. Vencill
Theodore M. Webster
Alan F. Wiese
P. W. Jordan
C. H. Koger
R. G. Lym