Tall Betsy and Dunce Baby
South Georgia Folktales
Title Details
Pages: 204
Trim size: 6.000in x 9.000in
Pub Date: 09/01/2009
ISBN: 9-780-8203-3444-8
List Price: $26.95
Related Subjects
FICTION / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology
Other Links of Interest
• Learn more about Georgia storytelling traditions at the New Georgia Encyclopedia
Tall Betsy and Dunce Baby
South Georgia Folktales
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- Description
- Reviews
A welcome addition to knowledge about Georgia folklore . . . Tall Betsy and Dunce Baby has enough to entertain the lay reader, and enough to be taken seriously by researchers of southern folk narrative.
—Journal of American Folklore
Hartsfield offers a superb gift to residents of southwest Georgia, and particularly Grady County, in the collection of folktales, Tall Betsy and Dunce Baby. Nevertheless, she also offers a treat to all Georgia residents, as well as folklore enthusiasts and scholars everywhere. Hartsfield possesses two key ingredients for meaningful work in folklore: excellent training in folklore scholarship, and a love of the southwest Georgian land and people. . . . This combination of scholarship and love produces a rich and exciting volume.
—Journal of Southwest Georgia History
Hartsfield has winnowed out a fine selection of stories. Readers unfamiliar with that section of Georgia will nonetheless find many of the stories familiar and enjoy reading them and passing some of them along ourselves.
—Southern Seen
Tall Betsy and Dunce Baby is important as a written record of part of our heritage. It is also an enjoyable book of tales that seem to come from a day already long gone, but will never be lost, thanks to Dr. Hartsfield.
—Thomasville Times-Enterprise
Hartsfield has gathered this charming collection of tales from some of south Georgia's best storytellers, individuals as colorful as their stories. . . . Together they form a full, rich picture of a culture and way of life that has all but disappeared.
—Southern Living
A minor jewel, this compilation mines a fertile lode of oral literature. Scholars and advanced students in folklore, American studies, regional material, and allied specialties will judge this monograph will be of considerable merit.