Cultural Theory and Popular Culture
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Cultural Theory and Popular Culture

A Reader

Edited by John Storey

Title Details

Pages: 680

Trim size: 6.800in x 9.000in



Pub Date: 03/25/2006

ISBN: 9-780-8203-2849-2

List Price: $40.95

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture

A Reader

Edited by John Storey

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  • Description
  • Contributors

Whether used on its own or in conjunction with Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction, this reader is a theoretical, analytical, and historical introduction to the study of popular culture within cultural studies. The readings cover the culture and civilization tradition, culturalism, structuralism and poststructuralism, Marxism, feminism, and postmodernism, as well as current debates in the study of popular culture.

New to this edition:Four new readings by Stuart Hall, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, Judith Butler, and Savoj ŽižekFully revised general and section introductions that contextualize and link the readings with key issues in Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An IntroductionFully updated bibliography

Ideal for courses in:cultural studiesmedia studiescommunication studiessociology of culturepopular culturevisual studiescultural criticism

F. Leavis

John Storey

Cornel West

bell hooks

Matthew Arnold

Richard Hoggart

Raymond Williams

E.P. Thompson

Stuart Hall

Paddy Whannel

Paul Gilroy

Karl Marx

Frederick Engels

Theodor W. Adorno

Antonio Gramsci

Tony Bennett

Christine Gledhill

Ernesto Laclau

Chantal Mouffe

Ien Ang

Lana F. Rakow

Janice Radway

Yvonne Tasker

Jacqueline Bobo

Christine Geraghty

Judith Butler

Sigmund Freud

Jacques Lacan

Roland Barthes

Will Wright

Pierre Macherey

Louis Althusser

Michel Foucault

Chris Weedon

Slavoj Zizek

Jean Baudrillard

Barbara Creed

Meaghan Morris

Dick Hebdige

Elizabeth Wilson

Andrew Goodwin

Pierre Bourdieu

Paul DiMaggio

Terry Lovell

Michel de Certeau

Michael Schudson

John Fiske

Paul Willis

Duncan Webster

Jim McGuigan

Nicholas Garnham

Lawrence Grossberg

Simon Frith

About the Author/Editor

JOHN STOREY is a professor of cultural studies and director of the Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies, University of Sunderland, England. He is also a visiting professor at the universities of Henan and Wuhan in China. Storey has published widely in cultural studies; his six books include Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture (Georgia). His work has been translated into Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, and Ukrainian.