The Confessions of Edward Isham
A Poor White Life of the Old South
Title Details
Pages: 216
Trim size: 5.500in x 9.000in
Pub Date: 11/01/1998
ISBN: 9-780-8203-2073-1
List Price: $28.95
Related Subjects
HISTORY / United States / Civil War Period (1850-1877)
Other Links of Interest
• Learn more about poor whites at the New Georgia Encyclopedia
The Confessions of Edward Isham
A Poor White Life of the Old South
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- Reviews
Takes the remarkable autobiography of a confessed murderer and examines it from a variety of perspectives. Each of the essays that follow the Isham autobiography contributes to the mosaic of poor white life in the South. The violence that characterized Isham's life is astonishing. Many previous scholars have commented on the violence in the Old South, but rarely has one been able to see it through the lens of a single, brutish life.
—Jeffrey J. Crow, director of the North Carolina Division of Archives and History
The Confessions of Edward Isham, a cleverly conceived and adeptly executed essay collection, is a rich addition to our ever-growing understanding of that shadowy world of southern poor whites. The range of insights and meanings these scholars have teased out of the life of Edward Isham, known only through his brief biographical statement, makes this book extraordinary. It is an example of how much skillful historians can make of single lives and even single incidents, particularly given the dramatic and even chilling story they focus upon here.
—John C. Inscoe, author of Mountain Masters: Slavery and the Sectional Crisis in Western North Carolina